Tuesday, November 8, 2011


→Channeling the technique of Automatism throughout most of his work, Thomas Jessome can perhaps be best categorized as an Internet topographer. In the heyday of advance imaging and image manipulation, Thomas utilizes dated techniques -such as bitmapping- and images found on random Google searches to imbue the saturation of information available on the net with new meaning.

The process is precisely the key to understanding the work. Thomas assembles singular desensitized entities into challenging new pieces which suggest to the viewer new concepts of the information age. Thomas thus rethinks the planned obsolescence manifest in today's technology and its visual culture into a rhizome of expressive meaning. ←

For more works by Thomas Jessome visit his blog:
~ http://thedarkyouth.tumblr.com/ ~


Temporary Projects is the name of an experiment in 21st century artistic and cultural production. Formally, it is a project space dedicated to facilitating a dialogue between artists and the ideas they present. More broadly, it symbolizes a line that is at once a point of connections and divergences. It is a door through which there are many departures and many arrivals.

Opening Reception: Friday, November 11th, 2011 19:00hrs

Temporary Projects
22 Wilson Street (2nd Floor Sonic Unyon Building)
Hamilton, ON

♦Soundscapes provided by You&Me♦
♂Come for the Art, stay for the Party♀